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Re: Terrorism coverage notes from CT

>The midday jock, Joan Billen (sp?), filling in for vacationing Larry
>Wells, seemed a bit overwhelmed by all this, but generally kept things
>moving. One bit of unintentional humor: She read the initial sketchy
>reports of an arrest in Boston, then added, dramatically, that "People
>behind the scenes here at DRC-FM are working hard to decipher this
>information," as if the AP broadcast wire had to be processed through
>the Enigma Machine before its contents could be aired.

At times, it almost has to be...  Anyone who's ever had to deal with
wire copy knows that, on occasion, the stuff that comes over the wire
can come in pretty garbled.  Tends to happen more often when a lot of
news is happening all at once, as has often been the case the last
couple of days.

-Shawn Mamros
E-mail to: mamros@mit.edu