North East RadioWatch: August 20, 1999

Nothing Happens; We're There Live!

by Scott Fybush

In the NERW mailbox this week: The 18th edition of Bruce Elving's FM Atlas, just published by the man who's spent more time boosting the cause of FM radio in the last three decades than just about anyone. The FM Atlas is one of just two surviving annual directories put out by hobbyists (the worthy companion being the excellent NRC AM Log), and remains unparalleled for accuracy of detail in things like stereo/mono status, subcarriers, and "non-IDs." It's one of the essentials on every NERW road trip, and we're hoping for many more editions to come. Find ordering information at Bruce's Web site and tell him we sent you! (Now all we need is an updated M Street Radio Directory and we'll really be happy...)

That's it for one of the least eventful weeks in Northeast broadcasting history. We'll be back next Friday with (we hope) a longer report, then we'll take Labor Day weekend off as we point the NERW-mobile down to Bridgeport, West Virginia for the annual National Radio Club convention.

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